Things to Consider Before Getting a Chemical Peel

Things to Consider Before Getting a Chemical Peel

Things to Consider Before Getting a Chemical Peel


If you're looking for a way to refresh your skin, a chemical peel might be the right choice. A chemical peel exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells, leaving the skin healthier, smoother, and brighter. While chemical peels can provide great results, they are not suitable for everyone. Before opting for a chemical peel, you should consider various factors to ensure you make an informed decision. In this blog post, we'll guide you through things you should know before getting a chemical peel.


Potential Side Effects

Chemical peels can cause a few side effects, such as redness, irritation, dryness, and flakiness. Additionally, they may cause more serious problems like infection, scarring, or discoloration. However, side effects usually vary depending on the type of peel you get as well as your skin type, sensitivity, and overall health condition. For example, sensitive skin is more prone to stinging, burning, or itching, while individuals with dark skin are more at risk of changing skin color.

Types of Chemical Peels

There are three types of chemical peels: mild, medium, and deep. The type of peel you get depends on the condition of your skin, as well as your desired results. Mild peels are suitable for treating mild forms of acne, sun damage, and fine lines. Medium peels are ideal for moderate acne scars, deeper wrinkles, and sun spots. Deep peels are best for deep acne scarring and severe skin imperfections. However, deep peels are more aggressive and have longer recovery time compared to mild or medium peels.

Pre-treatment Preparation

Pre-treatment preparation is crucial for achieving optimal results and minimizing side effects. Before undergoing a chemical peel, you should avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least two weeks. You should also stop using any skincare products that contain retinol, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid at least a week before your peel. Finally, ensure that you are in good health and have adequate hydration levels, which will help your skin heal faster.

Post-treatment Care

Just as the pre-treatment preparation is important, post-treatment care is also very crucial. After getting a chemical peel, your skin will be more sensitive and vulnerable to damage. Therefore, you should avoid activities like swimming, sauna, and exercise for at least 48 hours. Additionally, you should avoid wearing makeup and any skin products that contain active ingredients until your skin fully recovers. Also, remember to wear sunscreen daily to prevent sun damage, which can cause further skin complications.

Choosing the Right Provider

Choosing the right provider is as essential as the treatment itself. Look for licensed providers like those at Vamped Aesthetics & Design who specialize in chemical peels. A reputable provider will help you decide which type of peel is best for your skin and ensure that you receive a high-quality treatment in a safe, clean environment. Ask for referrals, and read reviews to determine whether a provider is the right fit for you.



A chemical peel can be a great way to revive your skin’s glow, but it’s not the best option for everyone. By following the right steps, you can minimize the risk of side effects and achieve the desired results. Remember to take the time to prepare your skin before the treatment, follow post-treatment care guidelines, and choose a reputable provider. At Vamped Aesthetics & Design, our experienced staff will guide you through the process, so you have a safe, comfortable, and effective treatment. Book your appointment today to get your skin revamped.

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